The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation’s report shows why Nigeria’s economy experiences difficulties – and if the trend continues the situation may get even worse. Nigeria’s oil revenues sharply declined within a year by over two thirds, says the report, recently published by the NNPC. The NNPC report shows that oil revenues declined more than 67 per cent over a period of time since September 2014 till July 2015, and that had “ dire consequences to the federation “. However, if that rends continues, the situation in Nigeria’s economy, heavily dependent on oil revenues, may get even worse. Nigeria derives more than 90 per cent of its foreign exchange earnings from crude.
Nine-year-old Tyshawn Lee was targeted because of his father's gang ties, lured into a South Side alley Monday afternoon and executed, Chicago police officials said Thursday. Speaking at the edge of the Gresham alley where Tyshawn was shot multiple times, Chicago police Superintendent Garry McCarthy called the slaying "probably the most abhorrent, cowardly, unfathomable crime" he had seen in his 35 years in law enforcement. McCarthy said police believe Tyshawn was killed because of his father's gang ties and a recent series of shootings between rival gangs. Law enforcement sources have told the Tribune that the bloody conflict involves rival factions of two of Chicago's oldest gangs — the Gangster Disciples and the Black P Stones. Police believe the Terror Dome faction of the Black P Stones targeted Pierre Stokes' son because his father, a convicted felon, reputedly belongs to the Gangster Disciples' Killa Ward faction. ...
“WE too live with divided eyes; one backward and one forward. Like an anxious figure in a Hitchcock thriller, we drive forward with eyes fixed on the rearview mirror. Our present is judged on the basis of what might have been. We mourn for that road not taken, that opportunity not seized; that victory not realised…” Portraits of Extraordinary Women That describes the All Progressives Congress (APC) and President Muhammadu Buhari, who rode to power on the crest of a promised change. They presented change and redemption to Nigerians and promised all-action in a few months of getting to office. Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora, as well as the international community, embraced the party due to its promises, only to be later told how such promise would be difficult to achieve, because another party had been in power before them. Today, the APC continues to look backward and blame the past while the ship of the country heads for an iceberg. No sooner had the APC ...
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