“WE too live with divided eyes; one backward and one forward. Like an anxious figure in a Hitchcock thriller, we drive forward with eyes fixed on the rearview mirror. Our present is judged on the basis of what might have been. We mourn for that road not taken, that opportunity not seized; that victory not realised…” Portraits of Extraordinary Women That describes the All Progressives Congress (APC) and President Muhammadu Buhari, who rode to power on the crest of a promised change. They presented change and redemption to Nigerians and promised all-action in a few months of getting to office. Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora, as well as the international community, embraced the party due to its promises, only to be later told how such promise would be difficult to achieve, because another party had been in power before them. Today, the APC continues to look backward and blame the past while the ship of the country heads for an iceberg. No sooner had the APC ...
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